Gratitude Journal - Mini
Gratitude Journal - Mini
This soft cover mini gratitude journal is perfect for adults of all ages navigating any of life's turbulence. You will be guided to reflect and appreciate all things in life at your own pace, filled with antidotes of how to practice gratitude, get grounded and much more.
This journal comes with happiness tips and inspirational quotes scattered throughout. Spaces to write what you are grateful for, a Happiness Scale which you can colour in each day, so you can see over time just how happy you are.
Use the Word for the Day to set your positive intention – how you see yourself or wish to feel. Then fill in your Healthy Habits to help track your moods and mindset. Sleep, movements, meditation or relaxation and staying connected to others are all incredibly important ways to maintain your emotional wellbeing.
It really is a wonderful gift when you complete a gratitude journal to be able to flip through the pages, which represent days of your life, and see how AWESOME life really is.
Purchasing a gratitude journal for your special friends is such an amazing tool, that could help create a lifetime habit of cherishing happiness, simply by teaching them to change their thoughts and change their perspective each day. What more could any of us want than our loved ones growing into happier, healthier adults?
This journal is fabulous as it's easy to pop in your bag and have with you to remember to use it. It has little prompts as well. Would recommend.